Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the Photo Booth photos from my event?
You can check your photos by clicking on the Gallery Tab! Photos are password protected, so only your guests are allowed to view.
How fast do the photos print?
Our top quality, high-speed printer can produce high resolution photos in 11 seconds
Can I personalize the prints?
Yes! You can fully customize the prints by adding your own texts, pictures, designs, and even company logos. You’ll also be able to specify the layout that works best for you. We work with an in-house graphic designer to give our clients EXACTLY what they’re looking for.
How is the picture quality?
We only use top-of-the line equipment, so you can be assured that the photos taken from our camera to the prints produced from our printer will result in high quality pictures.
Is there a limit to how many photos that can be taken at my event?
No, your guests are allowed to take as many photos as they like!
Will someone be at my event to assist the Photo Booth?
Yes! Our professionally dressed attendants will be there the whole time to ensure everything is running smoothly.
Is there an extra charge for set-up and breakdown?
No. Set-up and breakdown is included in the price and will not run against your rental time.
Can I bring my own props for our guests to enjoy?
Absolutely! We have an extensive prop selection to choose from, but you are more than welcome to add your own props to further satisfy your experience.
Are you licensed and insured?
Yes. We are fully licensed and insured in the highly unlikely case of any damages or injury at your event.